Sale/Service Request |
Kemflw Water Treatment Pvt. Ltd is 15 year old an ISO 14001:2004 certified organization, deals in STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) , ETP(Effluent Treatment Plant) WTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant), Softening Plant, commercial and Domestic RO (Reverse Osmosis Water Filters) , Rain Water Harvesting, LED and Solar energy. We offered sale and services of all types of waste water management solution ranging from various capacities (KLD to MLD) and efficient energy management solution like LED, Solar energy etc. As an organization we make our presence in many Public, Private and government sector organizations for their sale, service and AMCs requirement of all kind of water filtration (RO) and waste water management solution like STP, ETP, Rain Water Harvesting solution etc. for industrial commercial and domestic purpose and enjoying ownership of more than million plus satisfied customers across india. |
- Domestic RO Plant
- Industrial RO Plant
- RO Operation/Maintenance
- RO Spare Parts
- RO Chemicals
- Package STP Plant
- Compact STP Plant
- Municipal STP Plant
- Residential STP Plant
- Industrial STP Plant
- Green STP Plant
- STP Design/Installation
- STP Operation/Maintenance
- STP Chemicals
- Package ETP Plant
- Compact ETP Plant
- Industrial ETP Plant
- Green ETP Plant
- ETP Design/Installation
- ETP Operation/Maintenance
- ETP Chemicals
- Audit
- Waterwate Industrial Plant
- WTP Installation
- WTP Management
- RWH Design
- RWH Installation
- RWH Management
- Swimming Pool Design
- Swimming Pool Equipment
- Chemicals
- Lights
- Solar
- Solar Fencing
- Energy Audit
Our Products
Sewage Treatment Plant
Effluent Treatment Plant
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Rain Water Harvesting
Swimming Pools
Solar Energy