Kemflw is specialized in to deliver high quality in-build STP plants. There are areas within the cities, complex, Hotels, Restaurants, Residential, Industrial building, towns and villages across India and abroad where it is impossible to cover under centralized wastewater treatment system, to offer perfect solution for them, Kemflw steps in this field and design STP wastewater treatment system that is in nature, effective ,economical in decentralized manner.
Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
Kemflw having a vast experience in designing ETP plants based on green building concepts. We are Manufacturer & bulk Suppliers of Effluent Treatment Plants. These plants are based on sustainable & environment friendly technologies.
Rain Water Harvesting(RWH)
Kemflw has very vast experience for providing Rainwater harvesting solutions across India & takes Rainwater harvesting projects on turnkey basis.
Rainwater harvesting in its broadest sense, is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater for human use, for earth recharge, recycling for further use for need basis. The Rain water is collected from rooftops, land surfaces or rock catchments by some standard engineering techniques. Rainwater has been used to provide drinking water, recharge earth water table of nearby surrounding, water for livestock, water for irrigation and fire fighting use. Rainwater is also a good option in areas where good quality fresh surface water or groundwater is lacking. The application of appropriate rainwater harvesting technology is important for the utilization of rainwater as a water resource.