Kemflw design Green STP plant is successfully running in following industries like Food & Beverages, Metal Treatment, Oil Field, Construction, Mining, Textile, Pulp and Paper, Rice & Sugar, Manufacturing, Dying unit, Hotels and Resorts , Automobile etc.
Our company is recognized as one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of high quality Green Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) ,Green Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), and Green Waste Water Treatment Plant (WTP) according to Pollution Control board guideline and take such projects on turnkey basis at PAN India Level.
Our STP plant design based on Eco -Environment Technology Assessment, Fully Toxic use Reduction, Best in Operating Environment Practices, Waste Minimization, Pollution Prevention, Support Cleaner Production, Use Cleaner Technologies, Eco-efficiency, Best Practices, and follows best industrial norms.
Salient Features
- Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- Carbon Oxygen Demand (COD)
- Maintaning PH
- On site assistance by qualified engineers
- Zero discharge
- Colorless & odor less treated water
- Highly suitable for inconsistant sewage
Technologies Offered in Industrial STP Plant
- MBR (Membrane Bio Reactor)
- MBBR(Moving Bed Bio Reactor)
- SAFF(Sub merged Aereated fixed film)
- SBR (Sequencing Bio Reactor)
- FBR (Fludised Aerobic bio Reactors)
- MBR (Membrane Bio Rector) and so on based on requirements.
Benefits of Industrial Effluent Treatment System
- Based on Green Technology Concept
- Minimum Discharge.
- Low power consumption
- Sludge removal once in two years.
- Pre- Engineered & Pre- Fabricated Plant.
- No odour problem.
- Negligible Operating Cost.